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TACOGENIE ACCESSORY - Motion Sensor Starter Kit

TACOGENIE ACCESSORY - Motion Sensor Starter Kit

TACOGENIE ACCESSORY - Motion Sensor Starter Kit

ERP #TACO-554-4

MFR #554-4


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TacoGenie ® delivers hot water to faucets and taps at your command, and can save the average family of four up to 12,000 gallons per year. The TacoGenie ® is a small, silent pump that attaches to the hot and cold water lines in the cabinet under the most remote kitchen or bath fixture in the home. When the TacoGenie ® is activated, the cool water you normally let run down the drain is recirculated back to the water heater through the cold water line. When the hot water arrives at the faucet, the TacoGenie heat sensor and control board shut off the pump to prevent pumping excess hot water into the cold water line.
TACOGENIE ACCESSORY - Motion Sensor Starter Kit
TACOGENIE ACCESSORY - Motion Sensor Starter Kit
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