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3/4 inch Clear Vinyl Tubing (100 ft)

3/4 inch Clear Vinyl Tubing (100 ft)

3/4 inch Clear Vinyl Tubing (100 ft)

ERP #DIVE-7-34

MFR #7-34

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7-34 is designed for air conditioning and refrigeration condensate drains, condensate pump discharge lines and humidifier overflows. Made of high-quality vinyl with smooth interior and exterior that allows easy flow and flushing and prevents sediment accumulation. Its walls are thick enough to resist kinks but are lightweight, flexible, can withstand rough handling, and heavy usage while maintaining dimensional stability. Easy to shape, bend, and install. ID = 0.705 in OD = 0.896 in Wall Thickness = 0.096

  • Clear vinyl chloride (PVC)
  • Resists crimping and kinking
  • Service Temperature 140° F (60° C)
  • Service temperature 140° F. (60° C.)
3/4 inch Clear Vinyl Tubing (100 ft)
3/4 inch Clear Vinyl Tubing (100 ft)
MFR #7-34
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