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SI-500 - 457 -Gallons Kitchen Solids Interceptor with Composite Cover

SI-500 - 457 -Gallons Kitchen Solids Interceptor with Composite Cover

SI-500 - 457 -Gallons Kitchen Solids Interceptor with Composite Cover


MFR #SI-500

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In many cases of interceptor backups, solids are to blame. Solids tend to result in immediate clogs, whereas grease problems happen over time. While our indoor/outdoor Great Basin™ models have solids capacity built in, a separate solids interceptor should be considered when using a concrete or steel interceptor (to slow corrosion and rust), for restaurants with known solids problems, with any grease interceptor that does not include rated solids capacity, or in any facility that has a food waste grinder that is attached to the grease waste line. More Features: 457 gallons of solids capacity Rugged polyethylene tank Safety Star® access restrictor prevents accidental entry Triple outlet feature allows for installation flexibility, including the ability to connect an unused outlet for remote pumpout (PP3 compatibility)
SI-500 - 457 -Gallons Kitchen Solids Interceptor with Composite Cover
SI-500 - 457 -Gallons Kitchen Solids Interceptor with Composite Cover
MFR #SI-500
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